Many refugees come from countries that follow a lunar system (based on the cycles of the moon), where the sighting of a new moon signifies the start of a new month. This is the inspiration behind the name NewMoonJobs. As refugees arrive in the United States, they face a new beginning.
For refugees, merely getting to the US is often a path of much suffering and heartache. This socially-minded enterprise uses a blend of expertise, technology, and empathy, to provide refugees with the guidance they need to restart their careers.
When refugees arrive in the US, they are only granted a 3-month living stipend, which doesn't give individuals much time to look for employment that matches their previous skill-set and work experience. NewMoonJobs will build a personalized plan with each refugee client that allows them to reach their desired career, one that matches their previous work experience, or a new field of work.
We at NewMoonJobs understand that refugees are extremely hard-working and resilient, having survived many difficulties. We consider them a gift to the United States, and are honored to support them in their efforts to secure a better future for themselves.
We are a 2 year old self funded social enterprise.